Monday, August 24, 2009

Literacy in the First Week!


On Friday, I read to the kiddo's after lunch and recess. This is part of their daily schedule, to have a read aloud after recess to calm them down before doing paired reading. The children were especially interested in listening to the book, so I ended up reading three books to them.

For the paired reading time we pair all of the first graders with a kindergarten student. This allows the first grader to read to the younger. Some of the children aren't reading, so they sit together and look at the books. This is an interesting time to watch the children interact, because a lot of times the elders allow the youngers to choose the book. It seems as though the older children are just very proud to be able to help the youngers. Aside from the reading time, they also have writing workshop and literacy centers.

The first week was a lot of fun, I am very excited for the rest of the year!


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Great Day!

Today was busy and fun! We are learning each other's names and learning the routine. Today we had gym and will have gym again tomorrow as well as music. The Kinders fit right in and made friends easily! Looking forward to a great day tomorrow!!

See you soon

First day of School

Today is the first day of school, and I cannot believe that we are almost done. It has been a great day, and very fun to finally put faces to the names! The kids were very excited and quickly made friends (both new and old!) this morning. All day they have been chatty, I was impressed at how quickly the new kinder's fit right in! I look forward to a great year with the kids and families!


Friday, August 14, 2009



This is Sharon and Megan's blog for our k-1 class. We will be updating weekly on what is going on in our classroom. There will eventually be fun things like pictures and general information about our time in school. Feel free to ask any questions and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks for visiting, and we can't wait for the school year to start!
